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Colonial Pipeline is Shutting Down Some Gas Lines due to Hurricane Ida

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The Colonial Pipeline is temporarily shutting down some of its gas lines as a precaution. This is because of Hurricane Ida that did make its landfall. The company did make the announcement on Sunday.

Safety Measures

The fuel deliveries, Line 1 and 2, which came from Texas to the city in North Carolina, are shutting down for safety measures. The largest petroleum products pipeline in the United States is Colonial Pipeline. In fact, it carries half the fuel across the East Coast.

Colonial Pipeline Fuel

Moreover, the fuel supply will continue to be available throughout the Southeast. It will come from many terminals that are located along with the supply rate. Lines 3 and 4, fuel from the northeast from a city in North Carolina to New Jersey are operating as normal.

Thoughts and Prayers Regarding Citizens Affected by Hurricane Ida

“Thus, our thoughts and prayers are with our neighbors and colleagues across the southern coastline impacted by this volatile weather event,” said Wes Dunbar. He is the vice president of operations for Colonial Pipeline. 

​“Therefore, as part of our weather preparedness and response plans, we do have procedures in place to makes sure the safety, protection, and integrity of our pipeline and our assets – including making a concentrated effort in shutting down our lines when necessary.”

Colonial Pipeline in Jeopardy Previous to a Cyberattack

Earlier this year, the pipeline was shutting down. This occurred after a cyberattack caused panic in the southeast.

Emergency Preparedness Program

There is a broad emergency preparedness program in place for Hurricane Ida. This is what Colonial Pipeline says. In fact, it will be implementing as its emergency response plan.

“Who will benefit are millions of Americans, along with our customers and other business, from the system for critical fuel supplies at times such as these,” added Dunbar.

Public Safety is Prioritizing

​“Moreover, we try to be as prepared as we can be for these types of weather events. It is through extensive and continuous planning. This prioritizes the safety of the public, as well as our employees and contractors, and the constantly reliable operation of our pipeline. I’m am very proud of the preparations by our team in advance of Ida’s landfall.” 

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