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Late-Night Alcohol Ban Set in Charlotte

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Photo Courtesy of Loderbrab
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Charlotte, NC – A late-night ban on alcohol is expecting to pass with current government officials. With COVID-19 dramatically rising in the United States, many government officials are still not convinced that quarantine is the right level of action.

Mayor Vi Lyles is expressing her concerns about the virus and implementing a ban on late-night alcohol sales.

“If the policy group recommends that, I would be willing to sign that order. We would likely have some of the other towns join us, but not all.”

County Manager Dena Diorio feels strongly in regards to keeping late-night alcohol closed.

“The way to really combat this virus is to wear a face covering, wash your hands and practice social distancing,” Diorio said. “If we could get that right, we wouldn’t really need to be talking about the potential of another shutdown.”

Alcohol Ban Due to Behavior of Locals

“Irresponsible Behavior” from locals has brought about a large surge in confirmed cases.

The largest issue is requiring masks. Many bars and restaurants that are currently reopening are not adhering to safe sanitation standards. Videos of local eateries and bars are circulating online showcasing the exact irresponsible behavior that is threatening the livelihood of millions across the US.

Other states are currently taking direct opposition to maintain safety procedures. Arizona, Texas, and Florida are currently being held as epicenters for the second wave of COVID-19. These states are currently in the process of rolling back procedures that may save countless lives.

The United States is currently the worst-hit country in the world. With many operations being closed due to either not requiring masks or other inept safety procedures, many on the other side feel as though more can be done.

Charlotte, NC is not looking to be the next epicenter. With the proper safety protocols put in place, the spread will continue to slow. This is, of course, people who wish to remain safe.

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